Oak Grange Parent and Teacher Association (PTA)
The PTA at Oak Grange was established in Autumn 2024. We are a group of parent and teacher volunteers who work together to benefit the school and ensure the best educational experience for all its pupils. We do this by raising money through fundraising events and activities to fund school initiatives which are not covered by the school budget.
We welcome new members and adhoc volunteers for our events. Please contact us if you would like to get involved.
However, we understand that not all parents have the time to volunteer. Some ways you can support the PTA without volunteering your time are:
1) Sign up to EasyFundraising Over 8000 retailers, including all major supermarkets and Amazon, will donate to the PTA every time you shop with them at no extra cost to you.
2) Order name labels for uniform and other school items from Stitkins Stitkins pays commission to the PTA for every order, again at no extra cost to you. Please add the school fundraising number 36593 at checkout.
3) Use the clothing recycling bank available on site, which accepts wearable clothing, paired shoes, handbags and belts.
4) Donate outgrown uniform and coats in good condition to us for our preloved uniform service. A collection bin is available at reception.
Email: PTA@Oakgrange.org
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