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The story so far...

In September 2022 East Midlands Education Trust received the news from Derby City Council that they were successful in securing their bid to open a new school. The new school was to be built as part of the Boulton Moor development and the area was to be known as Snelsmoor Grange.

As a trust we began our mission to provide a school that would serve its community well, a school that would become a place where children are inspired and nurtured...where they would grow.

Being a passionate and curious learner, I made my initial visit to the site in early October 2022. Whilst it was clear that foundation building work had begun, my eye caught a magnificent sight.. a majestic tree, an oak tree.

From there grew a vision, a vision of school to be named Oak Grange Primary School where the story of how the name came to be will be shared with all children for years to come.

Fast forward to November 2022 .... we have a building! Site visits have commenced, the school logo is chosen and the working party and construction team are all on track.

By January 2023 we have a roof and even get to test it out!

We have held some information meetings, where new relationships with families have formed and plans for the ethos and values of the school begin to take shape.

March 2023  Topping out!

We are now water tight!  The roof is on, and the windows are in. Being able to walk into actual rooms for the first time, was quite an experience. Click on the link below to see how well our school is progressing.


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August 2023   We were all set to open

We were all set to move into our school. We were excited to receive lots of deliveries of resources and equipment, ready for the first children who started with us on Wednesday 6th September 2023!  

We appointed our staff, and we looked forward to welcoming nursery and reception children.

At Oak Grange we want our children to "GROW"

Global citizen- We will develop an eco-friendly school from day one and learn how we can look after our world locally and our environment globally.

Right attitudes for life. We will develop lifelong learning skills in children and these will be nurtured through our six attitudes to learning, enabling our children to be Resilient, Reciprocal, Resourceful, Reflective, Responsible and to Remember.

One of a kind. We will celebrate each child as an individual and nurture self-worth and a sense of identity.

Wonder and awe. We will embrace enquiring minds, encourage curiosity, promote creativity and develop new knowledge and skills.

Keep visiting to see the next developments. Please also feel welcome to attend one of our information meetings. Click below for the relevant dates.